We are back, bringing you another ambassador story. This week we caught up with one of our very first Real Active Ambassadors Eloise or @epic_by_el on Instagram. El is a Mum, an advocate for self love and normalising normal bodies, a fitness trainer and all round health and wellness lover. She runs her own online fitness business whilst juggling Mum life. We hope you enjoy getting to know the beautiful and vibrant El more!

- Why did you want to become a Real Active ambassador?
When Carlie approached me, I was blown away as I loved her products and everything that they stand for. I have always struggled with anxiety, more so after having my first son, where I felt extremely overwhelmed, so for me it was a no brainer to be part of such a beautiful supportive company that not only gives so much love and support to all of us, but also donates a percentage of their profits to mental health organisations. The fact that I was in the fitness industry also seemed to align well with Carlie’s products and everything that myself and my business stand for.
- What is your favourite Real Active product?
It would have to be the water bottles. They are so elegant and pretty, I drink so much more water when I use one. It's always a topic of conversation when I have it with me and has often been incorporated into my workouts as a bonus weight!

- Tell us a little bit about you.
I’m 36, I’m from Africa - born in South Africa and raised in Zimbabwe. I left Zim when I was 17 and moved to London where I lived and worked for 10 years. I had my first son Tyler in London who is now 10 and he changed my world forever by making me a Mummy. My second son's name is Arlo and he is 3 and a half and a total wild card. They both keep me on my toes and I absolutely adore being their Mamma. I have been blessed to be able to run my own business and be home with them for their younger years. I hope to continue to be able to do it for as long as possible.
I moved to Oz just over eight years ago now, and almost straight away I trained to become a PT with a Cert IV as a Master Trainer with Australian Institute of Fitness in Perth. I also met my soulmate Ant, who I completely adore, and he is by far my better half. I was a professional swimmer in my teens and I’m so proud of that, I was great at hockey too. Sport and friends got me through school for sure, I really struggled academically but I studied really hard and got extra help and passed all my end of school exams.

- How have you managed through Covid with not being able to see your family and with juggling Mum life?
It’s been the hardest thing I've ever had to go through or experience if I am honest. I haven’t seen my Mum for over two years and my other family for over five years, and we are an extremely close family so it has been very hard!! I guess when you can't see the people you love when you want to (like we used to before Covid) it really changes you. What I mean by that, is when you can’t book a flight at a drop of a hat and be there in 24hrs it is very tough!! I have found it so hard, heart-breaking at times knowing that I can't get to my family if I wanted to or even HAD to. I have sadly missed the births of both my nieces, it is so hard to think that I haven’t met them yet, but we do make video calling a priority.
The last few months my Mum also has been really ill. I cannot explain to you how hard it was to get the phone call to say my Mum was in hospital. She was extremely unwell, and I found myself in a really hard place where I was having to consider flying over there but then I didn't know when or how long it would take for me to get back to my own family or if I would even get back into Australia. So, I really felt so helpless and so scared. There was nothing I could do, apart from video call my Mum and tell her I loved her and that she would be ok. She is an absolute trooper and pulled through so we are so lucky, grateful and thankful.
She had another scare just last week which was stressful, but again she got through it and is now home and resting. The whole situation broke me, as she is my best friend and all I wanted was to be there for her. My mum used to come at least once a year for three months at a time too so it's been tough but I am so lucky to have the MOST incredible in-laws who are so supportive and really make a great effort, we are all very close, I feel so blessed to have them.

- Tell us about your health and fitness journey.
It’s been such an incredible journey figuring out what is best for me in terms of training and finding a balance where I’m happy, and I finally have. Balance is the most important thing to me and having a great relationship with food and training.
I have had my fair share of ups and downs with my training over the years... I’ve been in the space of strict clean eating (starving) and “punishing” my body in the gym for hours a day, losing my menstrual cycle and having complete body dysmorphia.... “thinking” I was healthy and happy (how wrong was I)! Now please understand that I don’t take this style of eating and training away from anyone, if this is you, I don’t judge, you do you.
I’ve then have also been on the complete opposite end of the scale where I got completely relaxed and almost gave up, after having Arlo, as I found it too hard “to get back” - I ate whatever I wanted, moved too little and found myself in an even worse head space than before.... so I decided something had to change.
I started training daily, doing what I felt like doing that day, whether it be walking, boxhiit, or lifting some weights and I soon realised that I LOVED mixing my training up and doing something different, instead of the same thing every day. And that’s when I decided to design my online program, I noticed my body changing and reacting to the changes I’d made to my training. I made meditation a MUST on most days and I also introduced yoga 1-2 times per week, the balance was EPIC.

- What are some things you do daily to stay body positive?
This has taken many years and a lot of hard work on myself, but basically I started by journaling. I'd write down how I was feeling and I made a conscious effort to write down a few things I was grateful for every morning, this seemed to change my day to day life/mindset and then in turn helped me to love ME more. This became one of my self care habits, along with meditation, eating well, training and having FUN. I cannot express how laughter and fun can change your mindset too.
I also try to teach my boys positive affirmations daily and in doing that I find it helps me too, I always want my boys to know their worth and be confident in themselves.

- What's one of your favourite quotes?
“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours” - Dolly Parton.
Thank you so much El for taking the time to be a part of this week's blog. I know how busy life and business can be, so I really appreciate you sharing your story. Personally, as someone who is definitely in a workout slump at the moment you have reminded me how important it is to find something you love and really mix it up to get motivated again. Thank you for the reminder!
You can follow Eloise's journey via her Instagram account @epic_by_el.
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